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350L Traditional Pot Still

We offer a service whereby a winery can deliver neutral wine (or have it picked up for a small fee), to the distillery to produce a spirit of approximately 70% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).


The proof of the spirit is at the discretion of the wine maker usually resulting from discussions with the distiller.
Clients will need to complete an “Application for a licence to manufacture excisable products - alcohol" and an “Application for a single movement permission (non-export)” (ATO).

There are three main uses for the wine spirit:

  • Brandy
  • Spirit for fortification of wine/aperitif
  • Clean spirit for immediate consumption (e.g. grappa, pisco or simply wine vodka) two months after distillation (90% + ABV).
There are a number of other minor uses, however RFD will focus on the main three unless there is a special order required.
The raw spirit is then measured by volume and ABV before being transferred into returnable stainless steel containers for handover to the client.
When the spirit is ready for collection the client must sign off before it is removed from the distillery. 
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