Creator of Red Tail Spirits
"Margaret River's first dedicated contract wine distiller"
"We are a small distillery set in the rural countryside close to Margaret River in the south west of Western Australia. We create artisan spirits, including Red Tail Gin, Red Tail Conto Wine Spirit, Red Tail Arrack, Red Tail Rum and Red Tail Spiced Rum with a passionate focus on flavour, quality and authenticity."
Distilling concentrates flavour while separating the alcohol from the wine. A wine with thin or subtle character can produce an outstanding brandy if crafted correctly.
Roaring Forties Distillers Pty Ltd (RFD) is a dedicated wine spirit distiller aimed at exclusively servicing the wine makers of the southwest region of Western Australia.
With over two hundred grape growers in the south west corner of the state few if any are producing commercial quantities of brandy. Many do not create fortified wines or ports using entirely their own produce.